In this People Living with HIV Stigma Index Global Report 2023, we present the fruits of their labour – a tapestry woven from the experiences of over 30,000 individuals living with HIV.

In this People Living with HIV Stigma Index Global Report 2023, we present the fruits of their labour – a tapestry woven from the experiences of over 30,000 individuals living with HIV.
An advocates’ guide to monitoring stigma and discrimination reduction in the Global Partnership for Action to Eliminate all Forms of HIV-related Stigma and Discrimination! Download the guide in your language below:
The recommendations in this briefing document build on the original Positive Learning publication developed in 2011 by UNESCO and the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+). With significant changes in both the international education sector and the global HIV response over the past decade, it is now timely to update and ‘reboot’ Positive Learning to address the current daily realities for adolescents and young people living with HIV as they navigate issues such as sexuality, relationships, gender identity and expression, treatment access and adherence.
This revised and updated version is the result of a partnership between UNESCO, GNP+ and the Global Network of Young People Living with HIV (Y+ Global). Y+ Global led a review process that was inclusive, multisectoral and youth-led, underpinned by the principle of the Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA).
The recommendations in this briefing document seek to inform a broad range of stakeholders. They can serve, for example, as a tool to inform the review and update of national policies and curricula, as a guide for schools or teachers looking to build a more inclusive and supportive environment for learners, or as an advocacy tool for civil society organisations and youth activists.
All you need to know for PLHIV Stigma Index implementation in one document!
The PLHIV Stigma Index Implementation Guidelines: A handbook to support networks of people living with HIV to conduct the PLHIV Stigma Index 2.0. The Implementation Guidelines provide step-by-step guidance on all phases of implementation and link to many helpful templates and tools that can be used throughout the process. They are now available in English, French, Russian, and Spanish.
A toolkit to:
● Provide a set of practical tools that support community advocates to take concrete steps to turn the data and key findings of PLHIV Stigma Index Reports into practical advocacy actions
● Help networks of people living with HIV to identify and take forward advocacy actions based on the key findings and recommendations from PLHIV Stigma Index
● Support Stigma Index teams who are at the data analysis stage of the project or who are in the process of developing reports
● Build the capacity of advocates to use data on stigma to make a case for change
The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) 2019 Annual Report. The annual report captures the performance and achievements of GNP+ and our partnership in 2019.