
NEW!! Universal Health Coverage Day toolkit – 10 things you can do to get involved and make a difference this UHC Day 2022.

Universal health coverage (UHC) means all people, everywhere, can get the quality health services they need without financial hardship.

Every 12th December, advocates worldwide mobilise on UHC Day to call for strong, equitable health systems that leave no one behind.

Our toolkit is available in French, Russian and English and includes 10 actions you can do around UHC Day. You don’t need to do all ten. Have a look, be inspired, and do the ones that would be most impactful in your context.

About the Toolkit

The Health for All Advocacy Toolkit provides national-level civil society organizations (CSOs) and health networks with the necessary resources to kick-start advocacy initiatives on universal health coverage (UHC). It offers advocates a central reference point—a ‘one-stop shop’ for key information and tools to advocate UHC, hold policy-makers accountable for their commitments, and build a broad social movement within civil society to support health for all.

The Toolkit is designed to be used by civil society advocates who are interested in learning more about what universal health coverage means; what commitments have been made to UHC at the global, regional, and country levels; and how they can incorporate UHC principles into their advocacy. The resources may also be useful for CSOs advocating on specific health issues or on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) beyond health, as the Toolkit provides information on how connecting to UHC advocacy can strengthen those efforts.

This Toolkit responds to the specific needs of civil society. In the lead up to the United Nations High-Level Meeting (HLM) on UHC in 2019, civil society and community representatives in countries around the world, convened by the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 (CSEM), asked for more knowledge and information about UHC as well as about global level advocacy initiatives and platforms. The CSEM surveyed its members and other global health civil society networks to understand the specific kinds of information and resources that would be most useful in supporting their work on UHC. The survey received over 100 responses from 40 countries. Over 75% of respondents asked for practical tools and guidance for UHC advocacy.

The Health for All Toolkit was developed to respond to these needs and to provide one-stop access to existing resources and toolkits for UHC. The Toolkit was developed by the CSEM, with support from UHC2030, Equal International, and a reference group.

The Toolkit has three sections:

  • Part 1: Introduction to Universal Health Coverage—provides an introduction to UHC, what it is, why health for all is vital, and how it can contribute to health as well as other SDGs. This section is particularly informative for those new to UHC as it outlines the key concepts and actors, and gives a timeline and milestones to date. It describes the key players at global and regional levels to enable advocates to ground their advocacy work in the broader UHC ecosystem. It is designed to equip users with technical knowledge around the essential UHC building blocks necessary for advocating UHC with various stakeholders.
  • Part 2: Why civil society needs to engage in Universal Health Coverage—explores the critical role of civil society and communities in all stages of UHC design and implementation, and conveys civil society’s key advocacy calls to action. It includes case studies and vignettes that demonstrate the impact civil society has had and continues to have in decision-making for UHC, especially in ensuring health equity and holding leaders accountable.
  • Part 3: How to participate—provides step-by-step guidance on advocating for UHC at the national level. This section walks the user through essential processes for creating an advocacy action plan, including defining the key challenges and bottlenecks and establishing where their country is on the road to UHC. This will help frame the activities and goals of the specific advocacy plan. The toolkit explains the process of mapping both advocacy targets and the stakeholders to collaborate with. Users will also learn how to develop key advocacy messages and incorporate them into ongoing advocacy work. This section provides practical tools and will help CSOs determine their budgets and measure their progress.


Rebekah Webb wrote this toolkit with contributions from Aishling Thurow, Amy Boldosser-Boesch, Carthi Mannikarottu, Eliana Monteforte, Oanh Khuất Thị Hải, and Masaki Inaba.

A special thanks to the UHC2030 Core Team at WHO and Equal International for their contributions to the development of this toolkit. We are grateful to the reference group for lending their expertise in support of this Toolkit: Evalin Karijo, Dumiso Gatsha, Georgina Caswell, Javier Hourcade Bellocq, Katie Husselby, Kirsten Zindel, Kurt Frieder, and Marielle Hart. We thank Results International and White Ribbon Alliance Kenya for sharing examples and learnings from successful advocacy campaigns.

Design: Kim Martin

Editorial review: Jane Coombes


The Digital Health and Rights Project (DHRP) Consortium brings together international social scientists, human rights lawyers, health advocates, and networks of people living with HIV to conduct research and advocate for rights-based digital governance globally. The Future of Human Rights in the Digital Age project uses a transnational participatory action research approach, centering the voices and leadership of diverse young adults to define the future of human rights in the digital age. Funded by BOTNAR, GNP+ is honored to be one of the consortium members, alongside University of Warwick, Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV and AIDS (KELIN), Privacy International, Restless Development, STOPAIDS, and Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).

Community members participate as researchers, advocates, and decision-makers at all levels. Study participants gain digital literacy and youth leadership training, and participate in global and national advocacy to promote human rights in the governance of artificial intelligence and technology. DHRP will also launch an online hub with courses and training materials for public use.

Using a transnational participatory approach, the Digital Health and Rights Project consortium is studying the future of human rights in the digital age, and the role diverse grass-roots communities in low- and middle-income countries play in shaping that future.

In Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and Vietnam, the study is investigating how young adults experience digital governance, what they see as meaningful participation in strategy and policy discussions and the kind of digital literacy and empowerment training they want to equip them in policy advocacy. The study includes participation by young adults and civil society at all levels of the project, including in the project’s global steering committee.

The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) 2020 Annual Report. The annual report captures the performance and achievements of GNP+ and our partnership in 2020.

Read our impact report here.

All of the incredible things we have achieved as GNP+ in 2020 have been possible through the support and solidarity of our partners. And while the pandemic impacted us too, it has not stopped us. If anything, it has reignited our determination to fight injustice, as we continue to be inspired by the work of our communities.

See the Impact Report 2020 infographic

HLM Advocacy Brief now available – Keeping governments and stakeholders accountable for the outcomes of the HLM

The HLM process may have come to an end and the Political Declaration adopted, but for many of us, the work has just begun! Just as the Multi-Stakeholder Taskforce, the Love Alliance welcomes the critical commitments on transformative and measurable targets on programmes that are needed to end AIDS, specifically the 10-10-10 targets on societal enablers, calling for member states to end all inequalities faced by key populations by 2025. The Political Declaration however does not include wording on issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, sexual reproductive health and rights, comprehensive sexuality education, decriminalisation and repealing punitive laws.

It is incredibly important that we keep governments and stakeholders accountable and take corrective action if they fall short of their commitments. Civil Society has a crucial role to play in this process. To support them, the Multi-Stakeholder Task Force has developed an Advocacy Brief, in which the whole process is explained, as well as the outcomes, and what can be done now as a follow-up. We must begin to develop and align advocacy strategies in our countries and communities, in order to make a difference and end AIDS by 2030. Onwards!

On behalf of the Love Alliance, seven organizations representing community organisations working with Aidsfonds and the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), and endorsed by the Communities Delegation, we submit the below priorities ahead of the Extraordinary Board Meeting on the Strategic Framework for the Global Fund’s Strategic Framework for 2023-2028. We build our comments on the paper that the Love Alliance submitted with the Communities delegation ahead of the 15th Strategy Committee in March 2021 called Mission Critical.

This guide was created to support civil society to engage and contribute more effectively during the 2021 High-Level Meeting on HIV and AIDS (HLM). Unlike other HLM processes the majority, if not all, of the HLM activities, will be virtual. This means that it is especially important for advocates to find solutions to build their capacity, strengthen their networks and engage in advocacy virtually. This guide includes some important engagement opportunities and places to start on this journey.

The 2021 high-level meeting will be the springboard for a decade of action to reduce inequalities and root out the social determinants that fuel the HIV epidemic.

Source: UNAIDS

Young, Wild, & Free is a Y+ Global programme bringing together networks of young people living with HIV to share best practices of engagement, support, and resilience of young key populations. Young, Wild, & Free highlighted three innovative youth networks doing amazing work in the HIV response – Teenergizer (Ukraine), Inti Muda (Indonesia), and Y+ Global – who then have been working with 8 grassroots networks (Positive Young Women Voices (Kenya), Y+ Kenya (Kenya), Positive Women’s network (South Africa), Y+ South Africa, Inti Muda (Indonesia), Gtown (Vietnam), Lighthouse (Vietnam), Teenergizer (Ukraine)) to implement one of their best practices. This guidebook was created so you too could learn their tricks and implement your own in your country!

A Guideline for the Involvement of People Living with HIV in the Global Fund To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’s Country Coordination Mechanism.

A survey by GNP+, ICW and Y+ Global found that networks of people living with HIV are using innovative ways to ensure their peers and their communities continue to have access to the critical services that they need. This report showcases their achievements.

59 networks of people living with HIV and community organisations from 37 countries took part in the survey throughout April and May 2020 and shared the challenges they are facing and the strategies they have put in place to support their communities.

The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) 2019 Annual Report. The annual report captures the performance and achievements of GNP+ and our partnership in 2019.