The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), Aidsfonds, and our partners invite you to take part in our three-part series to engage advocates and civil society members in preparation for and post the United Nations General Assembly 2021 High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS. The webinars will be hosted on ZOOM and streamed live on the GNP+ Facebook page in Arabic, English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
The three-part series will systematically and continually engage advocates and civil society members following the process in a structured and predictable manner. The goal is to build civil society momentum and give people key moments to be engaged and updated by the HLM team. The first session will introduce advocates to the HLM and share the basics on how they can engage. The second session will support the preparation of advocates by sharing some of the key advocacy battlegrounds and how they can fine tune their advocacy strategies leading up the HLM. The third session will be a report back of the HLM and share the final outcomes of the process, including an analysis of gains and losses in language.
WEBINAR SERIES PART 3: HLM 2021 Outcomes: Gains, losses and how to prepare for country level advocacy
In the final of our HLM series, we will report back an overview of the HLM as well as an analysis of the political declaration and the potential gains and losses in language, which could potentially advance or set back the HIV response globally. The session will also share areas where advocates can focus on to enhance future national and global advocacy.
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
Thursday, 17 June 2021

WEBINAR SERIES PART 2: HLM 2021 Advocacy: Preparing for action
During this webinar, advocates working directly on the outcome document will share areas to concentrate their advocacy leading up to and during the HLM. Participants will discuss terminology and key phases that opposition uses to mask discriminatory text, and effective arguments to counteract.
Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Thursday, 20 May 2021

WEBINAR SERIES PART 1: HLM 2021 Basics: Engagement and advocacy opportunities
This webinar will answer questions that advocates may have about the UN High Level Meeting on HIV, key dates for advocacy, and some of the different ways that civil society can engage in the process.
Wednesday, April 21st 2021
Thursday, April 22nd 2021