The 22nd edition of the International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa (ICASA 2023) will take place from 4-9 December 2023, in Harare, Zimbabwe. ICASA is one of the largest HIV Conferences in Africa, held every two years, the conference brings together researchers, partners, activists, and community leaders dedicated to ending AIDS by 2030.
During ICASA week, we will be taking part in different pre-conferences including the Key Populations pre-conference themed: Human Rights, Criminalisation, Decriminalisation: The Case for Africa. We are also leading several satellite sessions and side events. At this conference, we will also be launching the first ever People Living with HIV Stigma Index 2.0 Global Report 2023, a research document that we are proud of, as it’s a demonstration of community leadership.
Below you will find a detailed roadmap of important events we are participating at that you can join, and you can also have an opportunity to connect with us at the Community Networking Zone.
We look forward to seeing you there!
GNP+ ICASA 2023 Roadmap
![ICASA 2023 Roadmap GNP F 1]()
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