
The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) convened again with the leadership and community in an online meeting on February 27 to share, learn, and jointly identify opportunities for new and innovative strategies to restructure the funding for HIV treatment across the world. 

The network noted a growing shift in global priorities as geopolitics turns more nationalistic with the United States of America, United Kingdom, and the Netherlands all announcing aid cuts to realign to domestic priorities. 

During the meeting, the leadership of national, regional, and global  PLHIV networks sought to learn from countries whose national HIV programs do not rely heavily on external funding on which models for community-led interventions, including advocacy and Community Led Monitoring (CLM) work for them even as they explore alternative sources of funding.

“I think this moment is asking a lot from us; even at GNP+, we are now looking at avenues and approaches that we have never thought of, like venture capitalists and private equity funds.

You can see there is a lot of innovation that is coming domestically from countries in the south,” GNP+ Co-Executive Director Sbongile Nkosi said.

“We have been here before, both during the Covid pandemic and back in 2008 with the credit crunch, where global priorities shifted suddenly. I think this moment has taken us back to when we did not have the resources we needed, but we actually had the resilience and innovation. But I guess the big question we are all struggling with is, where are we going to get the resources?” she said. 

The network leadership learned from India, which has relied on the led community pharmacy model providing subsidized access to treatment through partnerships with governments and pharmaceutical companies. India’s model, launched 18 years ago, has grown in scale and coverage, showing such models can be sustainable in the long term. 

“In 2006, we started the TAAL community pharmacy when there was no free HIV treatment from the government for affordable and accessible medicine. It has been a journey as TAAL has played a significant role in ensuring that PLHIV access the life-saving treatment even after the government came through; we continued to support people on the second and third lines. Communities have always played a huge role in the HIV response, and we reflect on how we became innovative during Covid by having an online pharmacy to ensure that we have access to treatment as we navigate hard times,” said Manoj Pardesi, Founder and CEO of TAAL pharmacy. 

As funding from global partners dries out, country governments, including Nigeria, Uganda, and South Africa as shining examples of countries offering supplementary budgets and stepping up to define emergency response to address the gaps experienced due to the stop work order.  Last week, South Africa launched the 1.1 million campaign with a bold ambition to put an additional 1.1 million people on treatment and save lives. 

While governments and organizations have set up emergency funds to fill in the gaps from this disruption, a lot more needs to be done to entrench these interventions in annual funding cycles and to develop new frameworks for funding treatment.

“The Ministry of Health in Kenya has reached out to us to discuss the idea of integrating HIV services into the general health care, but we realize that we lack two key documents: one in 2021, when we implemented the PLHIV stigma index, there was a recommendation that the Ministry of Health should support developing HIV disclosure guidelines that will help dialogue going forward, and from the stigma index 2024 that we are launching on March 3, 2025, there is also a strong recommendation that there is a need for standard guiding procedures to inform the integration of HIV into general health services.” Nelson Otwoma, ED, NEPHAK

The meeting reaffirmed PLHIV’s commitment to working with governments and global health leaders to achieve the ambition of ending AIDS and keeping people alive. The upcoming UNAIDS-led development of the next Global AIDS Strategy (2026- 2030) and the 2026 UN High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS, where member states will adopt the 2026 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS, are key processes in which we hope to participate with a strong local for global PLHIV-led advocacy. 

They called on the return to the partnership, policy, and community engagement that created the Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV (GIPA), which has been a driving force in the fight against HIV—preventing new infections, advocating for access to ARV treatments, and ensuring care for opportunistic diseases.

“GIPA is not a marketing slogan or a commercial catchphrase. It is a deep-rooted commitment, a cause-driven advocacy for a better quality of life for PLHIV worldwide. GIPA was built by PLHIV across the globe, some of whom are no longer with us, but their legacy remains.” Tariq EL ALAOUI , MENA Community

Last week, GNP+ also released the results from the survey coordinated in collaboration with Aidsfonds and Robert CARR Fund (RCF) to determine the Impact of the USA government administration’s directive to pause all foreign aid obligations on program implementation and funding, which revealed incredible resilience in communities. While the findings show concerns and panic when the aid was cut however, we also learn the antifragility of communities sticking together and innovating. We share the report here and thank our colleagues from Aidsfonds and RCF for their collaboration

“It is now more than ever that it is important we come together with all our diversity as people living with HIV to share learnings, find solutions, and ensure our voices are heard on the global stage. Not as tokenistic involvement brought in to other people’s tables; we can’t wait to be invited to those tables we need to find our own tables and be leading in the response. As people living with HIV, we know what is right for us, we know the solutions, and we can’t wait for action,” GNP+ Board Member Susan Cole said.

Remember to register and join the convening, our next meeting will be on 13th March at 12 pm CET.  We ask PLHIV leaders to please register on the Google form here. For more questions, get in touch with us through communities@gnpplus.net

GNP+ is the global network of people living with HIV, led by and for people living with HIV. We strengthen impactful PLHIV-led local for global advocacy and community leadership facilitated by our strong movement building through grant making with country and regional networks of people living with and most impacted by HIV.


FLORENCE RIAKO ANAM | Co-Executive Director

friakoanam@gnpplus.net | +25 472 147 7384 Kenya

The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) convened a meeting with people living with HIV (PLHIV) across the world impacted by US administration action that has disrupted work at PEPFAR and USAID. While the crisis has shown how HIV communities are vulnerable to sudden disruptions from the impact of political decisions they have little control over, it has raised a rallying call for PLHIV to come together strongly now and ensure the security of life-saving treatment to stay alive.

The meeting was an accumulation of weeks-long consultations with different country and regional PLHIV network leaders to determine the impact of the Executive Order, and the stop-work order. GNP+ also partnered with Aidsfonds and put out an online survey mapping the impact and providing context and analysis.

Since January most communities were first hit with panic over access to treatment until it became clearer that essential services will still be maintained. Now, most are affected by uncertainty around the resolution of the PEPFAR programs and its impact on supply chains and Community cadre human resources that are crucial in delivering services to those in need.

During the convening, the leadership of national PLHIV networks in various country networks shared how their organizations had been affected. Many have been forced to let go of community cadre staff- peer educators, adherence counselors, community health facilitators, and mentor mothers, including Jaringan Indonesia Positif (JIP) from Indonesia, which has let go of 100 community workers, Nigeria has sent home 347 while Rwanda has lost 11 immediate frontline staff. 

“These key staff played an important role in re-engaging people living with HIV (PLHIV) who had discontinued their treatment and providing psychosocial support. They were not only advocates for improved healthcare services but also strove to reduce stigma and discrimination in society. Furthermore, they acted as role models for other PLHIV, to achieve their quality of life. To succeed in Ending AIDS, it is imperative that the donors, government, and other stakeholders continue to be urged to take action, and that the community remains committed to this vital objective,” Meirinda Sebayang, the Chairperson of JIP said.

Abdul the Director of the Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS in Nigeria (NEPHWAN) shared that over 24,368 ad-hoc workers in Nigeria have lost their livelihoods, with 347 of these workers directly impacted through their roles as NEPWHAN ad-hoc staff. They have had to give back office equipment like laptops that were funded to them by USAID under PEPFAR community system strengthening initiatives. Community workers have lost jobs. 

“These individuals, who are living with HIV, now face even more severe challenges as they are forced to return their laptops, halting essential data collection efforts. The loss of their employment not only threatens their shelter and mental health but also disrupts their access to critical ARV treatment and exacerbates the many socioeconomic difficulties they already face,” he said.

Jacque Wambui from AfroCAB who through the project THRIVE are implementing linkages between community and health facilities support to address Advanced HIV Disease (AHD) cannot continue their work as the Community health practitioners in PEPFAR Supported community cadre were affected by the Stop Work order 

“Apart from HIV access which has been affected we are now seeing people having to move to different clinics affecting contact tracing for TB patients for example, their samples are no longer being transported. I hope we will not experience a spike in cases of advanced HIV Diseases (AHD) detected and being referred to our facilities because, from the little that I saw during field visits last year, we have a lot of patients admitted to our wards with AHD, Ms. Wambui said,

Even with the Waiver and PEPFAR advice to keep operations going, we are noting that isn’t resulting in the resumption of services in some cases. Workers who have been called to resume duty are also on temporary hire causing further anxiety. For many, all these disruptions to their livelihoods will increase vulnerabilities, and impact their health and that of their families.

PLHIV Leaders remain concerned that services for the prevention of HIV are now not available for those who need them. Also concerning is the disruption of services and treatment for TB prevention and treatment. Over 161,000 people died of HIV-related TB in 2023.

“Our Global Health ambitions are to reach HIV epidemic control. This can only be achieved by stopping HIV infections and stopping AIDS deaths. HIV prevention services need to urgently resume to keep people from acquiring HIV, and dying from preventable and treatable opportunistic infections like TB” Florence Riako Anam, GNP+ Co-Executive Director said. 

Despite this downside, the meeting demonstrated a movement of resilience as our networks collaborate with governments and key partners for solutions to end treatment disruptions while innovating to adapt the community interventions that are most impacted by the US decision. Some of the networks are responding by mobilizing staff to cover extra work to support communities and lobbying governments to absorb the frontline workers.

We would like to thank Country Governments highlighting Nigeria, and South Africa as shining examples of countries offering supplementary budgets and stepping up to define emergency response to address the gaps experienced due to the stop work order.  We thank organizations that have set up emergency funds to fill in the gaps from this disruption, particularly to support much-needed community interventions and services that promote uptake, adherence, and demand creation for treatment and prevention services. 

GNP+ would like to ask all of our peers living with HIV to get in touch with their health service providers and follow their directions. For those being transferred to other facilities, kindly reach out to PLHIV networks in your country for any guidance. GNP+ urges all people living with HIV to keep taking their life-saving medication. With all these disruptions, stopping treatment may feel like an option. Please do not let this disruption deter us from our quest to live a long, healthy, and quality life. Remember when PLHIV are virally suppressed, we cannot pass this virus to someone else. U=U.

We call on other Global Governments and donors to keep their promise to people living with HIV and those most impacted. Step up with bolder commitments towards the HIV Response ambitions to End AIDS deaths and Stop new HIV infections. Our lives depend on your leadership. We ask our donors to allow for budget reprogramming for us to address these critical and glaring gaps.

The leadership of national PLHIV networks across the world remains committed to convening to share their experiences, learn from each other’s responses, and build a framework for resilient PLHIV-led advocacy toward sustainability of the HIV response beyond 2030 to keep us alive. 

Communities during the Living 2024 conference on 20–21 July 2024 as an official pre-conference to the International AIDS Society’s AIDS 2024 conference in Munich, Germany.


Our next meeting will be held on 27th February 2025 at 12: 00 CET,  We ask PLHIV leaders to please register on the Google form to join all the meetings with are scheduled until 22 May 2025. For more questions, get in touch with us through communities@gnpplus.net

January 31, 2025- The US Government’s dramatic freeze and unfreezing of foreign aid and its impact on the global community of people living with HIV  is a wake-up call for global leaders to take charge and make good their commitments to providing us with access to life-saving care.

The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) is extremely relieved by the decision of the United States Secretary of State, Marco Rubio to approve the “Emergency Humanitarian Waiver”, and thank the United States Government for their continued leadership and commitment to the HIV response.  

We extend gratitude to our national governments for their strong leadership and political commitment to the ambitions of the HIV response and are excited to learn from our urgent convening of People Living With HIV Leaders from national and regional networks yesterday,  30th January 2025 about the rapid response plans that many countries have in place to weather these times. Many of our colleagues have updates of the National Government’s assurance of secured treatment supply for extended periods of up to one year. A true testament to strong multi-sectoral collaboration at the country level.

The leadership of national PLHIV networks in various countries have stepped up and are working with their governments and key partners for solutions that ensure no treatment disruptions while innovating to adapt the community interventions that are most impacted by this decision. We thank you. 

It is unfortunate that a matter of policy on our life or death was caught up in US politics when President Donald Trump’s new administration froze foreign aid funding for 90 days and thereafter imposed a stop-work order affecting the operations of PEPFAR and in many cases our access to HIV treatment. These events have not only shaken us to the core but reminded us all, of what is fundamentally important for all PLHIV; our access to life-saving ARV treatment. 

In 2023, 630,000 people died from AIDS, likely from preventable and treatable opportunistic infections. For us these are not just numbers, but our partners, children, friends, and fellow activists we have lost to the horrible effects of this disease. 

It is important that with the world’s attention now focussed on the transition from PEPFAR that we begin to listen to communities affected by HIV, and our experience on what has worked over the years as we look for a sustainable way to end AIDS and keep people alive.

The intention of PEPFAR to transition out of supporting our national Government HIV programs is not news to many of us, particularly PLHIV leaders who have been engaging in the HIV response sustainability plans under the leadership of UNAIDS, PEPFAR, and our national governments. Last December, many countries launched their countries’ Sustainability roadmaps to provide a new part way for the HIV response post-2030, however, the sustainability plans are yet to be finalized in most countries. 

The UNAIDS is leading us all in developing the next Global AIDS Strategy (2026- 2030) and preparing for the 2026 UN High Level meeting on HIV/AIDS where member states will adopt the 2026 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS. 

We, the People Living with HIV, call on our Global Leaders to keep your promise to us and to the world: End AIDS as a public health threat and keep us alive.

We particularly call on all national governments, Global leaders in the AIDS response, and partners to work with us and develop concrete plans to get services and treatment for people living with HIV back on course, ensuring continuity, accessibility, and quality. The HIV response owes its success to our strong partnership and meaningful engagement of people living with HIV. With more than 40 years of experience, we can’t fail while close to the end, 

Now more than ever, the community of PLHIV is committed to working with Global Leaders to define our priorities and efficiently use the available resources to continue saving lives of PLHIV.  GNP+ commits to working with you all to strengthen local for global PLHIV-led advocacy for policies and plans that get the HIV response to Victory. Ending AIDS and keeping people alive.  


GNP+ is the global network of people living with HIV led by and for people living with HIV. We strengthen impactful PLHIV-led local for global advocacy and community leadership facilitated by our strong movement building through grant-making with country and regional networks of people living with and most impacted by HIV

On this Human Rights Day, the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) and the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) unite to spotlight the urgent need to bridge inequities in HIV prevention and treatment. While remarkable strides have been made, the promise of scientific innovation remains out of reach for millions, threatening the global goal of ending AIDS by 2030.

The global scale-up of antiretroviral treatment (ART) has transformed public health. Yet, systemic barriers, high costs, and restrictive patents continue to deny access to life-saving therapies for many, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Long-acting therapies like CAB-LA and lenacapavir (LEN) represent a breakthrough, but with annual costs exceeding $22,000 and $42.000 in developed countries, these treatments/prevention options remain a distant hope for millions. Pharmaceutical practices, such as patent monopolies and voluntary licensing exclusions, exacerbate inequities. This violates the principle of benefit-sharing and undermines global equity. 

Health is a fundamental human right, enshrined in international law. Governments and global health stakeholders must act decisively to ensure access to HIV prevention and treatment tools. Equity is non-negotiable. Scientific progress must serve all people, regardless of geography or income. On Human Rights Day, we reaffirm our commitment to collective action, ensuring no one is left behind in the fight against HIV. Together, we can transform the promise of innovation into a reality for everyone, everywhere.  

GNP+ and ITPC call for:  

– Compulsory licensing for affordable, generic versions of innovative therapies.  

– Local manufacturing to reduce costs, strengthen supply chains, and address regional needs.  

– Policy prioritization for key populations and regions most affected by HIV.  

We invite all to join us in amplifying this call for equity. Sign the open letter and stand with us in demanding universal access to life-saving HIV prevention and treatment. Together, we can build a world where health is a right, not a privilege. 

Read and sign the full open letter here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yp2G_t7X8lmzll1KmFh-CdIX3Qr0mkHHjAyT_T339e4/edit?tab=t.0  

Communities Delegation to the Unitaid Board appoints Carol Nawina Maimbolwa as Board Member and Abdul-Fatawu Salifu as Alternate Board Member

4 December 2024 (Geneva, Switzerland) —  The Communities Delegation of people living with or affected by the diseases to the Unitaid Board (Communities Delegation) is delighted to announce the appointments of Ms Carol Nawina Maimbolwa as the Board Member, and Mr. Abdul-Fatawu Salifu as the Alternate Board Member of the Delegation. Their two-year terms will start on January 1st 2025 and will serve until 31st December 2027.

Carol Nawina Maimbolwa

Carol Nawina Maimbolwa is a renowned TB/HIV/cervical cancer advocate with many years of experience in public health and community engagement. She is the Executive Director of CITAMplus, a community advocacy organization based in Lusaka, Zambia. Carol uses her lived experience with TB, HIV, and diabetes, as well as working directly with the affected communities at grassroot level to advocate for policy change at national, regional, and international levels.  

She has in the past been a Board member on The Global Fund, The Union, and Unitaid and a former member of the Task Force on the Global Plan to End TB. Carol is a member of TB People and TB Women Global, serves as the outgoing Board member representing TB affected communities on the Stop TB Partnership Board and is the Alternate Board Member a.i. of the Unitaid Communities delegation since June 2024.

Photo: Carol Nawina Maimbolwa (Zambia), incoming Board Member

Abdul-Fatawu Salifu

Abdul-Fatawu Salifu is a young leader and public health advocate from Ghana with over nine years of experience in community engagement. As an HIV-positive individual achieving viral suppression, he champions the rights and well-being of people living with HIV (PLHIV), advocating for equitable access to healthcare. Abdul-Fatawu is a community advocate technical expert with Y+ and a mentor, coaching and training his peers in community advocacy.  

Abdul-Fatawu is a member of the Advisory Working Group of the Unitaid Communities delegation since October 2023 and is currently serving as the Youth representative on the Ghana CCM.

Photo: Abdul-Fatawu Salifu (Ghana), incoming Alternate Board Member

Out-going Board Member a.i. Mr Louis Da Gama

We would like to take the opportunity to express the Delegation’s gratitude and immense appreciation to out-going Board Member a.i. Mr Louis Da Gama for his exceptional leadership, enthusiasm and commitment during his tenure from June 2023 until December 2024.

Photo: Louis Da Gama (Portugal), outgoing Board Member a.i.


Wim Vandevelde
Liaison Officer, Communities Delegation

About Unitaid

Unitaid saves lives by making new health products available and affordable for people in low- and middle-income countries. We work with partners to identify innovative treatments, tests and tools, help tackle the market barriers that are holding them back and get them to the people who need them most – fast. Since we were created in 2006, we have unlocked access to more than 100 groundbreaking health products to help address the world’s biggest health challenges, including HIV, TB, and malaria; women’s and children’s health; and pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. Every year, more than 300 million people benefit from the products we’ve helped roll out.

About The Communities Delegation at Unitaid

The Communities Delegation serves as the human face of the diseases within the Unitaid Board. It brings the voices of the voiceless to the table, operating collaboratively and consultatively. The delegation works to ensure that affected communities have access to affordable diagnosis, life-saving medicines, and preventative tools that empower them to live full quality lives with dignity. Additionally, it advocates for and positively influences the decisions and programs of Unitaid, striving to ensure visibility for those often marginalized.

This World AIDS Day, the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) signals the impact of HIV stigma on the lives of ALL people living with HIV and asks for bold steps for the use of the People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Stigma Index data to achieve the global effort to end AIDS and keep people alive. The PLHIV Stigma Index work has existed since 2008 and has completed studies in over 100 countries which are available on the dedicated Stigma Index website managed by GNP+.  

The recently published People Living with HIV Stigma Index 2.0 Global Report: Hear Us Out: Measuring HIV-Related Stigma and Discrimination, which summarizes studies from 25 National PLHIV Stigma Index reports, indicates that 13% of people living with HIV had experienced stigma and discrimination when seeking HIV-related care in the past 12 months, and 25% reported such experiences when seeking non-HIV- related care.  

Furthermore, many respondents continue to experience internalized HIV-related stigma which affects their mental health and general well-being. 84.8% of respondents experienced internalized Stigma. 26.9% indicated this affected their treatment. 

An HIV diagnosis is a traumatic experience. Since 2008, using data from the PLHIV Stigma Index collected from over 100 countries, GNP+ has elevated our lived experiences of stigma from safe community spaces to global platforms to drive policy and program changes for an enabling environment for access to treatment and quality of life. 40 years into the HIV epidemic, stigma remains a harsh reality, deeply affecting treatment access, mental health, and well-being of many people living with HIV globally. Institutional stigma, especially in healthcare settings and socially in the community, persists. 84.8% of people living with HIV reported experiencing internal stigma in the 2023 Global PLHIV Stigma Index. We can end AIDS. When we address HIV-related Stigma!says GNP+, Co-Executive Director, Florence Riako Anam.

The 2024 UNAIDS Global AIDS Update notes that “Across 42 countries, a median of 47% of people reported discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV – a level that is nearly five times higher than the 2025 global target.” 

The report further alludes that “Stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV, particularly in healthcare settings, discourage people from seeking HIV prevention services, testing for HIV, and starting and staying on HIV treatment.”  

People Living with HIV from key populations and vulnerable populations like women, adolescent girls, and people with co-morbidities face compounded stigma and discrimination that continues to impact access to testing, treatment, adherence, and retention to care.  

According to the recently published Lancet article titled: Ending AIDS as a public health threat: the imperative for clear messaging on U=U, viral suppression, and zero risk – the authors stressed that “to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030, we must leverage both the impactful message of U=U (undetectable = untransmittable) and viral suppression to improve the wellbeing of individuals living with HIV, increase engagement with HIV services, and reduce barriers such as stigma, discrimination, and criminalisation.” 

Without addressing stigma and discrimination, we won’t reach the Global HIV targets – no progress on HIV-related stigma and discrimination. We will see an additional 440, 000+ AIDS-related deaths between 2020 and 2030, and that’s 440, 000+ avoidable deaths if we address the stigma.  

The Global AIDS Strategy and HLM 2021 Political declaration sets out clear social enabler targets to complement the ambition to end AIDS and underscores the importance of addressing Stigma to end inequalities and barriers to HIV treatment and prevention services.  However, in many countries, HIV-related stigma and discrimination; gender inequalities; and the criminalization of drug use, sex work and same-sex sexual relationships continue to hamper access to these services. 

 The Global AIDS Strategy requires that countries undertake reforms, so that by 2025: 

  • less than 10% of countries have legal and policy frameworks that lead to the denial or limitation of access to HIV-related services; 
  • less than 10% of people living with HIV and key populations experience stigma and discrimination; and 
  • less than 10% of women, girls, people living with HIV and key populations experience gender inequality and violence. 

World AIDS Day provides a platform to highlight gaps that need to be addressed, challenge misconceptions, and acknowledge that people living with HIV face barriers that are not only structural but also deeply rooted in stigma and discrimination, which limits access to health services that may have adverse effects on the quality of people living with HIV. To reach our targets and take the RIGHT PATH to end AIDS – we need to increase awareness about stigma, person-centered care, and differentiated service models that promote quality care and a future where everyone thrives. 

This World AIDS Day, we call on people everywhere to commit to “ending stigma to end AIDS: for our health and rights”. By removing this critical barrier, we make significant strides toward an AIDS-free generation and a world where everyone can live openly, healthily, and with dignity. 

Why Stigma Remains the Biggest Barrier to Ending AIDS  

  1. Stigma Blocks Access to Care: Stigma deters people from getting tested or seeking treatment, fearing judgment and discrimination. When people avoid care, the risk of undiagnosed cases rises, preventing effective treatment and control. 
  2. Stigma Impact Mental Health: Internal stigma, where individuals feel shame or unworthiness due to their HIV status, erodes mental well-being and can hinder treatment adherence. A stigma-free environment helps people with HIV lead healthier lives, reducing AIDS-related mortality. 
  3. Stigma Isolate and Exclude: People living with HIV often face isolation, especially in community settings where stigma is prevalent. Ending stigma fosters inclusivity, allowing people to participate fully in society without fear of exclusion or prejudice. 
  4. Stigma threatens global HIV/AIDS targets: The 10–10–10 and the 30–80–60 targets set for 2025 are not within reach. Stigma, discrimination, social inequalities and gender-based violence make it hard for people to stay free of HIV and protect their health. 

This #WorldAIDSDay, Take Action to End Stigma!  

On this World AIDS Day, we call to everyone individuals, community leaders, healthcare providers, and policymakers – to take active steps in ending stigma: 

  1. Educate: Challenge myths and misconceptions about HIV and share accurate, compassionate information about the realities of people living with HIV. 
  2. Advocate: Support policies and laws reform that protect people living with HIV from discrimination in healthcare, community, education, workplaces, justice and emergency settings. 
  3. Engage: Ensure meaningful and engagement of key stakeholders in developing strategies and programs that address and raise awareness on the impact of stigma on individuals and communities living with HIV. 

Join the conversation using these hashtags: #EndStigmaEndAIDS #ForOurHealthandRights #WorldAIDSDay2024 

Share our message using our social media toolkit: GNP+ World AIDS Day Social Media Kit

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Today, as we celebrate Universal Children’s Day, The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), we are reminded of the persistent stigma faced by children born of structurally silenced women affected by HIV. This affects their well-being, infiltrating school settings, social interactions, and access to treatment and prevention. Today serves as a platform to call upon all stakeholders to uphold children’s rights to healthcare, nutrition, education, and protection from violence, with a special focus on children of marginalised women affected by HIV.

Stigma impacts children and their quality of life. According to a recent report on Financing for Children and Adolescents, Children lag far behind adults in the fight against HIV and AIDS, and many come from populations facing social and structural exclusion, such as young families or key populations.

Ending vertical transmission 

GNP+ continues to be instrumental in advocating for the needs of children, focusing on the prevention of vertical transmission of HIV from mothers to children and the reduction of stigma and discrimination that affects children of women living with HIV (WLHIV). 

While there has been some progress in reducing vertical transmission, only a handful of countries have eliminated mother-to-child transmissions with the global rate remaining at a high of 11.94% underscoring the need for sustained efforts and innovative strategies to address this challenge.

The challenges are multifaceted. Out-of-pocket high user fees when accessing antiretrovirals (ARVs), limited access to healthcare services, and the pervasive stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV (PLHIV) continue to hinder the implementation of effective interventions. 

Even though strides have been made to ensure better treatment options for children such as pDTG and the introduction of pALD. Children with HIV still face challenges with accessing treatment due to delayed diagnosis, late treatment initiation, and retention in care. This exacerbates existing barriers that can mean the difference between health and a lifetime of challenges.

Stigma remains a significant barrier to accessing healthcare and support for WLHIV and their children. The inception report of the study on Children of Structurally Silenced Women being conducted by networks of WLHIV from Key populations in Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, and Lebanon highlights the pervasive nature of stigma- symbolic, enacted, and internalized and its impact on health-seeking behavior. For children, this stigma can manifest in school settings, social interactions, and access to healthcare, affecting their overall well-being.

Ending stigma

GNP+ has been pivotal in advocating for the rights of WLHIV and their children. Our work emphasizes the importance of comprehensive strategies that combine biomedical interventions with social measures to combat stigma. By addressing the stigma, not only do we improve access to treatment, but we also foster environments where children can thrive without the shadow of discrimination.

The Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026 aligns with this vision, aiming to reduce stigma and discrimination significantly by 2025. This includes ensuring less than 10% of PLHIV experience stigma and advocating for legal reforms to protect against rights violations.

The strategy further highlights how crucial it is to address the needs of HIV-affected children and adolescents, both in terms of helping them exercise their rights and ending the AIDS epidemic. Established in 2022, The Global Alliance to End AIDS in Children supports the Global AIDS Strategy by galvanizing political and financial support from UN agencies, major donors, NGOs, and governments, all of which have aligned behind a common framework 

Such frameworks are crucial for creating inclusive societies where children affected by HIV can enjoy equal opportunities.

Tailored interventions

To effectively address HIV and associated challenges, GNP+ emphasizes the need for tailored interventions that consider the unique challenges faced by WLHIV in different cultural and social contexts. This includes involving key populations in program design and implementation, ensuring that solutions are relevant and effective.

Empowerment of WLHIV is central to protecting their children from HIV and its associated challenges. The Inception report for the research on Children of Structurally Silenced women underscores the importance of attaining education and resilience as protective factors. By supporting mothers through education and social capital, we not only enhance their ability to care for their children but also strengthen their capacity to advocate for their rights and access necessary services.

GNP+ promotes an intersectional approach, recognizing the complex interplay of identity, stigma, and resilience. This approach is crucial for developing strategies that address the root causes of stigma and discrimination while leveraging the strengths and resources within communities.

 Call to Action

On this Children’s Day, as we celebrate the potential and rights of every child, let us reaffirm our commitment to eliminating barriers that hinder the health and happiness of children affected by HIV. 

GNP+ and its partners continue to champion the rights of WLHIV, advocating for policies and practices that protect children and empower families. Ensuring communities are at the center of the HIV response.

By fostering inclusive societies, investing in comprehensive healthcare solutions, and addressing stigma at all levels, we can create a world where no child is left behind due to the circumstances of their birth. To address the inequalities that hinder access by children we stand together with partners to call on all relevant stakeholders to ensure there is adequate financing for children.  As we move forward, let us ensure that every child has the opportunity to grow, learn, and thrive in a world free from the shadows of HIV and discrimination. 

GNP+ participated in the the 25th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2024) that took place in Munich, Germany, from the 22nd – 26th July under theme: “Put People First”. #AIDS2024 is the largest conference that unites communities, activists, civil society organisations, researchers, clinicians, inter-governmental organisations, governments and other stakerholders from across the globe to exchange innovations, new evidence and advancements within the HIV response. GNP+ together with sister Global Networks of people living with HIV; Y+ Global & International Community of Women Living with HIV play a vital role of community representation at the International AIDS Society (IAS) committee. 

In the lead-up to AIDS 2024, GNP+, ICW, Y+ Global, HJN, PAC, AAE, ASHM Health, EATG and Afrocab hosted a successful people living with HIV pre-conference #Living2024 on the 20th – 21st July which brought together more than 200 people living with HIV from Europe , Africa, MENA, North America , Latin  America , Asia, OCEANIA and supported over 70 people living HIV, including young people in all their diversity with scholarship to attend the event. 

GNP+ also led the coordination of the people living with HIV Networking Zone, which provided space to networks of people living with HIV and partner organisation to host panels and sessions in the zone. Around 25 sessions under the themes: Strong Movement Building, Rights and Decriminalization, Intersectionality, Leadership, and Innovation, Access to Treatment and Services, and Sustaining the HIV Response Amidst Global Challenges were hosted in the PLHIV networking zone throughout the conference in the global village. The PLHIV networking zone provided a platform for communities/networks of people living with HIV and key populations to come together, share experiences, and build supportive communities toward the elimination of HIV. One of the sessions in the networking zone was #BetterMeds4Kids, which was organised by PATA and GNP+ through the EPIC (End Paediatric AIDS in Children), which is an advocacy initiative in collaboration with Aidsfonds and focuses on access to quality treatment for paediatrics and children by supporting meaningful engagement of communities of PLHIV in spaces where children living with HIV issues are discussed. The webinar aims on creating footprints and continues advocating for closing gaps in addressing challenges faced by children living with HIV and ensuring that they are all enrolled on the safe, lifelong treatment.

For those communities that could not make it to the conference due to several barriers including visa denials, GNP+ through its partnership with Y+ Global and ICW Global with the support of IAS, we hosted virtual hubs, which provided an opportunity to more than 200 young people from Colombia, Honduras, Kenya, Laos, Malawi, Mexico, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe to attend the conference in their countries without worrying about the expenses associated with international conferencing. This initiative ensured that we live up to the theme of putting people first and not leaving anyone behind, especially young people.

GNP+ has also collaborated with other networks and partners in hosting sessions during the official conference, which has provided a platform to share more on how critical it is to put people first and letting communities lead, which will be a win-win in ending HIV, GNP+ has used the platform to bring in the reality of PLHIV and lived experience to influence change and advocate for investment in community led programms. 

The conference has also provided an opportunity to reflect on how far we have come after 40 years of the pandemic and a reminder of recommitting resources for the sustainability of the future in the case of HIV. It is essential to continue working towards a world free of HIV/AIDS.  One of the platforms GNP+ participated in was an opportunity to speak at the BCIU event that focused on “Creating a shared vision for sustainability—maintaining space for non-governmental actors to play a role in the HIV/AIDS sustainability agenda.”

It has was a remarkerble AIDS2024, where communities painted what it meant to “PutPeopleFirst” in different spaces that included interviews, sessions, patners dinners, side events, poster presentation, lauch of new datas, all this was a platform to bring out the communities voice and lived expreience in the fight toward HIV

GNP+ was also fully engaged in the U=U conversation, including in the launch of the comprehensive resource guide “Implementing and Scaling Up U=U” by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Prevention Access Campaign (PAC). The U=U University Satellites go beyond U=U awareness and explore utilizing U=U as an intervention and message of hope to the communities of people living with HIV. As one of the U=U champions, GNP+ is committed to spreading the message of hope on UequalsU, which has recently been backed by data that people living with HIV who are taking ARV and their VL are suppressed have zero% of transmitting HIV to their partners. The communities of people living with HIV wish not only to spread the message of hope but also highly aim on breaking the stigma around it.

During the conference, GNP+ hosted a networking event “friends of GNP+” to celebrate our collaboration with old and new partners and communities leadership in the fight to end HIV. We were humbled by the success of this event as more than 200 communities of people living with HGIV in their diversities showed up to celebrate our past, present and future milestones together.

#PutPeopleFirst #CommunitiesFirst#LeadWithCommunities #UequalsU

We’ve got an important update! Over 60 organizations have signed an open letter addressing the need to improve access to life-saving treatments through the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP). We’re pushing to eliminate barriers for upper middle-income countries (UMICs) and ensure equitable access for all.

Reflecting on a decade of Dolutegravir (DTG), we’ve seen the remarkable impact it has on reducing HIV transmission and mortality. However, UMICs like Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Malaysia have faced delays and higher costs in accessing DTG. This highlights the need for transparency, robust competition, standard licensing, and active community involvement in future agreements with MPP.

Full text of the open letter below: 


We’re still gathering signatures and eagerly await MPP’s response in a week. Let’s keep pushing for change and ensure no one is left behind in the fight against epidemics.

To mark ten years after MH17, in which the ‘diplomatic’ activist and beloved Amsterdammer Pim de Kuijer died, the Pim de Kuijer lecture has invited GNP+ Community Networks and Partnerships Manager, Alexandra ‘Sasha’ Volgina to give the anniversary lecture.

Saint Petersburg-born Sasha, like many other Russian young people at the time, used heroin in the late 1990s and therefore contracts HIV in the year 2000. In a country where HIV prefers to be silenced, she begins her fight for recognition of HIV- fellow sufferers and for fellow sufferers within the LGBTI+ community. She is co-founder of activist movements such as FrontAIDS: the first movement for HIV treatment in Russia and Svecha: a groundbreaking organization from the HIV/AIDS community that advocates access to medicines.

Her efforts earn her the MTV Russia Award ‘Live’ in 2005 in recognition of her fight against HIV/AIDS. Later follows the creation of E.V.A. – Russia’s first full women’s network – and the action group ‘Patients in Control’, which won the Red Ribbon Award in 2011 for its plea against stock shortages of AIDS inhibitors. Her journey and her activism are recorded in the documentary ‘Sinners Disease’, in which her fervent urge for change has been brought to the attention.

However, her activism leads to political persecution in Russia and is the reason for her to move to Kyiv, Ukraine in 2013, where she continues her work for HIV-positive individuals. Like Pim de Kuijer, she would participate in the international AIDS conference in Australia, but misses her flight in 2014 and therefore narrowly escapes the fateful MH17 flight. Sasha now lives in Amsterdam and works for GNP+, an international organization that fights against HIV-related stigma and discrimination.

Watch Sasha’s full lecture here:

Source: deBALIE

Florence Riako Anam, our Co-Executive Director shared a keynote speech during the Thematic Segment at 54th PCB NGO Delegation on “Sustaining the gains of the global HIV response to 2030 and beyond”.  

Good morning to you all,  

One of the most memorable experiences from my work at the Kenya Network of Women with AIDS (KENWA) a year after my HIV diagnosis, was participating in the ‘memory book project’ that initially started off as a legal support to write our wills but was quickly adapted as many of us really had nothing to leave our children. Many of us had lost our jobs or been kicked out of marital homes blamed for our husbands’ deaths, ostracized from community and just going on day by day. 

Everyone has their HIV and AIDS story, mine began as a hopeless and sad one but has evolved with resilience into a story of radical hope for the future. I am here because I am privileged to access lifesaving treatment that has suppressed the virus in my body to undetectable viral load.  I cannot transmit HIV because Undetectable = Untransmittable. 

The inspiring collaboration of Governments, Donors particularly PEPFAR, the Global Fund, UNAIDS, Civil Society and communities showcases the bold commitment and impact of the global HIV response.  Bold because a lot of decisions have been made for the “first time” in the HIV response more than in any Global health epidemic or disease. HIV taught us inclusive, right based, person centered caregiving and the efficiency of integration.  It is a testament to the truth that we must acknowledge now more than ever; that great science is better with people in it from the start. 

 You will hear from my fellow community representatives today about what made this success possible and what is needed now as we all engage in re-imagining and recommitting towards 2030 Global goals and sustaining the response.  

I would like to share some reflections informed from my engaging with the various sustainability conversations I was invited to from various partners in this room, from our own organising under the Future of AIDS Movement initiative together with all the Global People Living with HIV and Key Populations Networks and from our GNP+ collaborative convenings with PLHIV leaders in countries.  

  • Language and Message: Language matters. What we say will gather the global solidarity needed. This is an opportunity for a narrative shift, and we must use it. To communicate differently about HIV and the people most impacted by it. To be very clear what this process is or isn’t and to be transparent with us, communities about how the changes in this process are likely to impact our lives. What is the message now at crossroads? in 2026? In 2030? and most importantly, who is the steward/champion for the sustainability agenda particularly at country level?  
  • Secure commitments to quality of services and social enablers; It is critical to define the standard packages of service delivery and mechanisms for addressing and monitoring social enablers. With an increased aging population, young people born with HIV now need reproductive health services. For all people living with and impacted by HIV Integration offers opportunities for management of co-morbidities, noncommunicable diseases, STI screening, testing and treatment. It should not come at the cost of quality-of-service delivery. It matters to communities that at the center of this process of change, mechanisms must secure continuity of quality care for all who need treatment and prevention services that are inclusive and devoid of Stigma and Discrimination. 
  • Community engagement and leadership in advocacy, demand creation, service delivery, research, Community Led Monitoring has significantly contributed to the success of the HIV response. This has been made possible by the support of Core funding through various mechanisms like Robert Carr Fund that have ensured community led organisations are registered, functional and have autonomy for advocacy and accountability work.  

People Living with HIV will be here in 2031. And I know it’s easy to find similarities between managing HIV and any other chronic disease, but I want to assure you it is not the same. No one is stigmatised, risks arrest or persecution for living with Diabetes or Hypertension. This is not the story for many People living with HIV or Key Populations. It is why we must acknowledge its uniqueness.    

Because I have radical hope, I believe this is also a time to invest in research for HIV cure and vaccine. An opportunity for a world where the HIV story has a different outcome for ALL people living with and impacted by HIV; that which doesn’t end with death. The people poised to lead the world on this momentous journey towards a resilient HIV response are sitting or represented in this room today. What a responsibility.  

Thank you. 

We are excited to announce the launch of the Last Mile Grant, supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Love Alliance. This grant aims to promote people living with HIV (PLHIV) networks to lead and advocate for improved treatment access.  

 The grant encompasses two distinct yet interconnected streams: the Children of Structurally Silenced Women stream grants will support women-led advocacy for women and children mothered or cared by women living with HIV. This stream will also gather vital evidence to uncover the barriers preventing women living with HIV who are sex workers and mothers under 24 years access to reliable information and services for preventing vertical transmission during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Such evidence will be collected through community-led participatory action research conducted in 5 countries and gathered in a global report. Both evidence-gathering and advocacy work will be developed in collaboration with Kenya Sex Workers Association (KESWA), Mothers for the Future, Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Rosa in two Northern African countries, and Association of Women Living with HIV/AIDS.

The Treatment Access for Advanced AIDS Disease stream will collaborate with national networks of People Living with HIV organizations,  NEPHAK – Kenya, ZNNP+ – Zimbabwe, NEPWHAN – Nigeria, and HEPS – Uganda to galvanize community treatment awareness, literacy, and advocacy to motivate treatment uptake, adherence and retention, early diagnosis and treatment of advanced HIV Disease/AIDS and empower communities to benefit from the HIV science of Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U). 

We are excited to grow our community participatory grantmaking initiative that embodies our core values. GNP+ champions the rights and leadership of all people living with HIV grounded in the Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV (GIPA) principles, we prioritise community needs and ensure transparency in our decisions. Our approach is inclusive, recognising the unique challenges faced by different subgroups.  

The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) welcomes Congress’ decision on the re-authorisation of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) for one year. The impact of PEPFAR on the lives of people living with HIV across the world is unparalleled.  

Although, this extension offers a temporary reprieve, it falls demonstrably short of what is necessary to effectively sustain the gains made in the HIV response. In 2022 alone, an estimated 1.3 million people contracted HIV globally. Moreover, over nine million people living with HIV currently lack access to life-saving treatment, leaving them vulnerable to serious illness and death. Ending AIDS is a critical public health imperative, not simply a matter of statistics. 

A one-year extension introduces unnecessary uncertainty, preventing long-term planning and potentially jeopardizing the considerable progress already achieved. GNP+ urges a multi-year re-authorisation to provide stability and facilitate a more strategic and effective response to the HIV epidemic. 

“Faced with the reality of 1.3 million new HIV infections globally in 2022 alone, millions remain without access to treatment,” stated Florence Riako Anam, GNP+ Co-Executive Director. “Continued funding for PEPFAR is not merely a priority, it is a matter of life and death. GNP+ passionately believes in the power of sustained action. HIV will not wait for a one-year pause; we need a long-term commitment to save lives and ensure a lasting response to the epidemic.” 

GNP+ urges for a multi-year PEPFAR re-authorisation bill. Prioritising evidence-based policy, ensuring equitable access to care, and guaranteeing continued United States leadership in the global HIV response are essential. The lives of millions depend on it. 

Pepfar graphic
Source: PEPFAR

The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) are delighted to announce the appointment of Keenen Dongor as the Executive and Operations Manager.

Keenen has held various positions at GNP+ in the admin and operations department. He brings a wealth of experience and expertise to support the Co-Executive Directors and to ensure that the operations of GNP+ are effective in achieving the GNP+ mission and vision.

Keenen’s responsibilities will encompass a diverse range of critical functions, including providing essential administrative and operational support to the Co-Executive Directors; overseeing the day-to-day operations of our offices in Amsterdam and Cape Town, ensuring optimal functionality in support of our global initiatives.

As a cornerstone member of the Operations team, Keenen will report directly to the Co-Executive Directors and become an esteemed member of the Senior Management Team.

Sbongile Nkosi, Co-Executive Director, expressed her enthusiasm stating,We are proud of moving Keenen to this role and strongly believe his strategic acumen and adept leadership will undoubtedly contribute to the organisation’s continued success. We are confident that his leadership will be instrumental in propelling GNP+ forward and achieving our ambitious goals.”

His meticulous attention to detail will guarantee GNP+ remains fully compliant with relevant regulations and maintains its non-profit status.

Keenen Dongor echoes our sentiment, stating, “I am honored to join GNP+ and contribute to its mission of making a tangible difference in the lives of people living with HIV. I look forward to leveraging my expertise and passion to drive operational excellence and support the organisation’s strategic priorities.”

We warmly welcome Keenen to GNP+ and look forward to his leadership’s impact. His dedication, commitment to excellence, and expertise will be indispensable as we work towards the health and rights of all people living with and affected by HIV. Please join us in congratulating Keenen Dongor on his new role and in extending our full support as he embarks on this exciting journey with us.

The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) proudly marks the 10th year anniversary of the Zero Discrimination Day, observed annually on March 1st. We note with concern however that on the eve of this day, our brothers and sisters in Ghana potentially face barriers to accessing HIV prevention and treatment interventions due to the unfavourable legal landscape set by the parliament’s decision to pass laws against LGBTQ persons.  

Despite remarkable progress in raising awareness and education around HIV transmission and care, discrimination against all people living with HIV and particularly key populations persists. Men who have sex with men, transgender and gender diverse people, sex workers, and people who inject drugs, are disproportionately impacted by discriminatory laws and policies. They frequently face harassment, violence, and arrest simply due to their identities, further marginalising them and hindering their access to crucial HIV prevention and care services. 

This discrimination manifests in various forms, including economic and social exclusion, denial of rights & healthcare access, workplace prejudice, and systemic inequalities. The steadfast rising of the anti-rights movement impacts the regress in laws as seen in countries like Uganda and Ghana and undermines our collective efforts in treatment access for all people living and prevention interventions for people most impacted by HIV. Discriminatory practices undermine our shared goal of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.  

GNP+ Global Partnership & HJWW Manager Daughtie Ogutu says, “Our progress towards reaching the goal on stigma and discrimination is inseparable from the eradication of discriminatory laws, policies, and practices that impede access to crucial HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and care. The global pushback against women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, and other fundamental freedoms not only undermines individual liberty but also jeopardizes public health especially for people living with and mostly affected with HIV.” 

Established by UNAIDS 10 Years ago, Zero Discrimination Day serves as a powerful symbol of hope, advocating for the worldwide to end discrimination. Under the theme “Protect Everyone’s Health, Protect Everyone’s Rights,” we emphasise the fundamental rights inherent to everyone, regardless of health status, and the imperative to dismantle the stigma surrounding HIV. 

GNP+ provides global leadership and advocates for improvements to the quality of life for all people living with HIV. We actively foster the participation and leadership of people living with HIV throughout the HIV response through our work on the Stigma Index and Global Partnership for Action to Eliminate all forms of HIV-related Stigma and Discrimination It is our mission to ensure that the voices of people living with HIV are central to decision-making and policy formation. 

Data from the GNP+ PLHIV Stigma Index 2.0 Global Report 2023 shows the persistent barriers related to Stigma and Discrimination experienced by people living with HIV including key population living with HIV in the healthcare setting. The report covered 25 countries and 30,751 participants.  

The Global Report revealed that, “Overall, 7.8% of respondents were ever forced to get tested for HIV or disclose their HIV status for one or more of five reasons, and 3.6% experienced this during the past 12 months of conducting the study. More specifically, 1333 respondents (4.7%) were forced to get tested for HIV or disclose their status to gain access to health care services, and 640 respondents (2.2%) experienced this within the last 12 months.”  

“In addition, 1 in 8 (13.0%) faced HIV-related stigma and discrimination from staff working where they received their HIV care during the last 12 months. This was almost double (24.9%) when seeking care for non-HIV-related health needs, and even higher for transgender people (31.7%), sex workers (29.5%) and people who use drugs (27.8%).” 

GNP+ is community-led and guided by the rights and realities of people living with HIV. We are inclusive, and we embrace and defend diversity. We recognise that the issues that affect us as people living with HIV in all our beautiful diversity often intersect with other aspects of our identities and our differing access to power and resources. 

In solidarity with communities worldwide, we are vigorously ‘pushing back against the pushback,’ urging world leaders to honor their commitments to uphold the rights of all individuals. This entails the repealing of discriminatory laws and policies, the decriminalisation of HIV transmission, sex work, drug use, same-sex relations, and the guarantee of equitable access to healthcare services for all. 

“Zero Discrimination Day is not just about words; it is about action. It embodies the principle that every person, irrespective of their HIV status, deserves to be treated with dignity, respect, and equality”, aptly states GNP+ Stigma Index Manager, Omar Syarif. 

As we mark the 10th anniversary of Zero Discrimination Day on March 1st and throughout the month, we emphasise the vital importance of protecting everyone’s health by safeguarding everyone’s rights. It is a collective responsibility, and together, we can achieve an AIDS-free world founded on principles of equality and justice. 

This year, on February 28th, the HIV JUSTICE WORLDWIDE coalition commemorate HIV is Not A Crime Awareness Day as a Global Awareness Day for the first time, under the theme: “You care about ending HIV criminalisation, you just don’t know it yet”. We invite you to stand with us in solidarity and action as we strive to eliminate the unjust criminalisation of people based on their HIV-positive status.

HIV Is Not A Crime Awareness Day was launched in the United States two years ago by HIV JUSTICE WORLDWIDE founding partner, the SERO Project, in collaboration with the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation, and has grown in size and prominence ever since.

HIV criminalisation laws and prosecutions persist in many parts of the world[i], perpetuating stigma, discrimination, and human rights violations against people living with HIV. These laws reinforce misconceptions, fuel fear and prejudice instead of fostering empathy and understanding. They undermine public health efforts by deterring people living with HIV from seeking testing, treatment, and support, ultimately hindering progress in HIV prevention and care and reaching targets set to end AIDS by 2030.

The impact of HIV criminalisation extends beyond legal consequences, affecting the social, economic, and emotional well-being of those affected. It breeds shame and secrecy, hindering open communication about HIV and perpetuating a cycle of silence and isolation. HIV criminalisation disproportionately impacts marginalised communities most affected by HIV, exacerbating existing inequalities and injustices as seen in recent years.

We believe that everyone has a role to play in ending HIV criminalisation, marked by our theme this year : “You care about ending HIV criminalisation, you just don’t know it yet,”. We as the HIV JUSTICE WORLDWIDE coalition partners are raising awareness, challenging stigma, and advocating for policy reform and HIV decriminalisation. We want to create a more just and compassionate society for all. It begins with education, empathy, and a commitment to upholding the rights and dignity of every individual, regardless of their HIV status. It’s time for change. It’s time to dismantle the legal barriers that perpetuate stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV. It’s time to shift the narrative from fear and punishment to compassion and support. It’s time to recognise that HIV criminalisation not only affects individuals but also our communities, as it undermines public health efforts and human rights principles.

On this HIV Is Not A Crime Awareness Day, we call upon governments, policymakers, advocates, healthcare providers, and communities worldwide to take action:

  • Reform Legal Frameworks: Advocate for the repeal or reform of laws and policies that criminalise HIV non-disclosure, exposure or non-intentional transmission. Replace punitive measures with evidence-based approaches grounded in public health and human rights.
  • Promote Education and Awareness: Raise awareness about the impact of HIV criminalisation on individuals, families, and communities. Foster empathy, understanding, and support for people living with HIV.
  • Ensure Access to Justice: Ensure that individuals living with HIV have access to legal support and representation to challenge unjust prosecutions and discriminatory practices.
  • Foster Inclusive Policies: Advocate for policies that promote inclusivity, dignity, and respect for the rights of people living with HIV, including access to comprehensive healthcare, prevention, and support services.
  • Empower Communities: Empower communities affected by HIV to advocate for their rights, including for HIV decriminalisation, challenge criminal laws and policies and demand accountability from policymakers and institutions.

Together, we can create a future where no one faces criminal legal system discrimination or prosecution simply because they are living with HIV.

Join us in saying no to HIV criminalisation and yes to justice, compassion, and solidarity. #HINACDay 2024.

Statement from the HIV JUSTICE WORLDWIDE coalition. We are global coalition of community-led global and regional networks and human rights defenders working to shape the discourse on HIV criminalisation, as well as share information and resources, network, build capacity, mobilise advocacy, and cultivate a community of transparency and collaboration.

The coalition is comprised of fourteen networks and organisations. It was founded in 2016 by: the AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA), The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), HIV Justice Network (HJN), The HIV Legal Network (Legal Network), International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW Global), Positive Women’s Network (PWN-USA), and the Sero Project (Sero).

A further seven partners have since joined the coalition: AIDS Action Europe (AAE), Eurasian Women’s Network on AIDS (EWNA), Harm Reduction International (HRI), MENA Community, Global Action for Gay Men’s Health and Rights (MPact), Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC) and the Global Network of Young People Living with HIV (Y+ Global).

The learn more about the HIV JUSTICE WORLDWIDE coalition please visit: www.hivjusticeworldwide.org

[i] The HIV Justice Network’s Global HIV Criminalisation Database counts 109 jurisdictions in 80 countries with HIV-specific criminal laws, including 23 jurisdictions in the United States, two in Mexico, and three in Nigeria, together with a federal HIV law in each country. The Database includes individual case reports of HIV criminalisation in 161 jurisdictions in 90 countries since we began monitoring HIV cases. These include cases in all eight Australian states, eight provinces and territories in Canada, seven Mexican states, two Nigerian states, 42 jurisdictions in the United States, and all four nations of the United Kingdom. We consider 89 jurisdictions in 52 countries to be ‘active’ – those which have enforced relevant laws in the past five years. A total of 39 of these jurisdictions have HIV-specific laws in place, while 50 jurisdictions applied general criminal laws, such as communicable disease or general harm provisions, to instances of alleged HIV non-disclosure, potential or perceived exposure, or non-intentional transmission.

World, join us to welcome Nathaniel Miller-Walraven as our Head of Programmes. Nathaniel will work closely with the Co-Executive Directors and lead the GNP+ programmes team, to implement robust community-led programmes that feed GNP+’s advocacy grounded in the lived experiences and realities of all people living with HIV and communities.  

As a gay man living with HIV, Nathaniel made an active decision to shift his professional focus to working with and for the global HIV community when he was diagnosed with HIV before he turned 30.

“I had had enough of stigma, depression, and anxiety. I was done with the negativity that I was putting upon myself because of this diagnosis. In that moment of recognition, I made a conscious choice to turn this into something positive, to find a safe place where I could be myself and contextualise HIV.”

Nathaniel joins GNP+ after seven years of service at the Robert Carr Fund (RCF), where he managed three million USD annually to strengthen national, regional, and global networks and community-led organizations through participatory grant-making. He worked with over 80 partners from Africa, Middle East and North Africa, and Asia Pacific regions. The core funding from this work enables communities shape policies and programs for improved HIV and sexual reproductive health services for inadequately served populations.

According to Nathaniel, “It’s not just about ‘bringing people to the table.’ It’s about ensuring that the table is set with everything that communities need, so that they have full ownership of the process.” His work at RCF has provided him with unique exposure and education in the field of human rights and HIV in the not-for-profit sector, engaging with regional and global community-led, community-serving networks and organisations around the world.

Nathaniel is very conscious of different aspects of privilege and is deeply committed to deconstructing colonialist legacies and challenging patriarchal systems. This applies both to ways of working and to language. He recognises that such mindset shifts call for significant dedication, time, transparency, and accountability from all parties. “To be both responsible and responsive, we have to build trust.”

Co-Executive Director Florence Riako Anam notes, “Nathaniel brings both lived experience and shared core values to our work. His extensive engagement with donors, ministries, grantees and other stakeholders on risk management, compliance, strategy, and relationship management will immensely benefit GNP+. His commitment to participatory grant-making and challenging systemic inequities aligns perfectly with our mission and values, ensuring that our efforts advance the health and rights of all people living with HIV worldwide.”

Nathaniel will be based at the GNP+ Amsterdam office, kicking off with an induction at the Cape Town Office for the first half of March. He is looking forward to the challenges that his new role will bring, as well as fresh opportunities to contribute to empowering the global HIV community.

“I approach this work to serve as well as to lead, to uphold the human rights and access to services of all people living with HIV, with the knowledge of the strength we have when we work collectively.”

We extend the warmest of welcomes to Nathaniel as he joins the GNP+ family.

Are you a young person living with HIV or a member of a key-population community who is passionate about making a difference in your community? Are you actively engaged in national or regional advocacy? Do you feel ready to voice the needs of young people in global advocacy spaces? Join our elite squad of advocates to bring change to young people in all their diversity!

The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) and the Global Network of Young People Living with HIV (Y+ Global) are inviting young advocates across the globe to apply for our joint Young Emerging Leaders Programme (YEL), a leadership development programme which will build an elite squad of young advocates to engage and influence global policy and health governance spaces. The Young Emerging Leaders Programme (YEL) will strengthen the representation of young people on global platforms, such as the United Nations General Assembly, the World Health Organization and the Global Fund.

GNP+ and Y+ Global will recruit 15 YEL advocates focused on HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) issues.

Who are we looking for?

  • Young people living with HIV (preferably openly) or young Key-Populations: sex workers, LGBTQIA+people, people who use drugs;
  • Must be between the ages 18 to 25 years old;
  • Show willingness, commitment, and availability to engage in the programme learning and advocacy activities until December 2024, this includes at least 2 virtual trainings/meetings per month;
  • Be willing to publicly represent their communities (existing social media presence as an advocate or being an influencer in HIV and SRHR issues will be valued);
  • Experience in advocating and engaging with key stakeholders/decision makers at national level; initial engagement with global platforms is strongly desirable;
  • Commitment to human rights principles, non-discriminatory and inclusive approaches;
  • Have an excellence driven, creative and proactive approach to work;
  • Passion and knowledge about HIV and SRHR related activism.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Experience in implementing advocacy and movement-building projects;
  • Attachment/connection or link with a Y+ Global country offices, if existing, or with Key Population-led organizations and PLHIV networks where Y+ doesn’t have an office. These organizations must provide a letter of recommendation describing the candidate’s skills and experience.

Required Skills

  • Good English reading and speaking levels are preferred. Arabic, French and Portuguese speakers are also encouraged to apply, as translation support will be provided for these languages;
  • Ability and experience in mobilizing and recruiting a critical mass of young advocates for community events, campaigns and meetings;
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills;
  • Basic computer or information technology (IT) skills – particularly Google Drive, Microsoft Word, email, social media and access to the internet.

Application Process

Please fill up the application form and submit your CV by 8 March 2024.

The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) is thrilled to announce the appointment of Alexandra Volgina (Sasha) as the GNP+ Community, Networks, and Partnerships Manager starting February 1, 2024. Sasha will be responsible for growing and strengthening our relationships, collaborations, and engagement with communities of people living with HIV, the Key Populations networks, our peers, and fellow activists as well as partners in the HIV response and movement.

This role reflects GNP+’s commitment to our values to strengthen inclusive and accountable community leadership that actively fosters our vibrant participation and powerful voice in shaping the HIV response. Unified advocacy and strong leadership by people living with HIV are essential for achieving the goal of Ending AIDS and sustaining an equitable HIV response beyond 2030. Such work is ever more important in a context of growing threats from anti-rights movements, shrinking civic space, the impact of climate change and increasing inequalities globally.

Sasha has over 20 years of dedicated service to the People Living with HIV (PLHIV) community and has extensive experience in representing PLHIV in global and regional decision-making platforms, including the NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board, Communities Delegations of the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, communities delegation to the UNITAID board and member of the Medicines Patent Pool. In the past two years, she has also led GNP+ engagement and support to PLHIV networks in Ukraine.

“Sasha’s dedication and wealth of experience make her an invaluable asset to our organisation. At GNP+, we look forward to growing and strengthening our engagement and accountability to our peers, networks and partners and Sasha is the best person to help us get this done. We are excited for the opportunities ahead.” – GNP+ Co-Executive Director, Florence Riako Anam.

Join us all in welcoming Sasha to this role!

As we commemorate World AIDS Day, a coalition that so far includes: the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) the International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW), the  Global Network of Young People Living with HIV (Y+ Global), the HIV Justice Network (HJN), AIDS Action Europe (AAE), and the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) are delighted to announce our plans to host the People Living with HIV Pre-conference at AIDS2024. Living 2024 is planned for 20th and 21st July 2024 ahead of the AIDS2024 conference in Munich. 

Looking back to 1983, when the very first gathering of people living with HIV developed the Denver Principles, setting the path to the greater involvement, engagement and leadership of people living with HIV in the AIDS response, we are committed to sustain that legacy and make Living 2024 a platform for people living with HIV and our close allies and partners to connect, and  strengthen global solidarity for community leadership in the AIDS response. 

Living 2024 will be organised under the theme, ‘‘Communities leading: advancing health, dignity, equity”.

This is the first time since 2016 that the global community of people living with HIV in all our diversities, will meet in person to reflect on the multiple socio-political challenges faced by people living with HIV that continue to limit the civic space needed for our advocacy, as well as the inequalities that fuel stigma, discrimination and criminalisation. We plan to  build power together and identify opportunities to strengthen access to affordable and optimised treatment and diagnostics including for addressing the unique challenges of ageing with HIV. Living 2024, is also an opportunity for people living with HIV and affected communities to come together to reflect, re-imagine and define the future of the HIV movement, as well as  our place within the broader global health and development platforms in shaping the HIV sustainability plans beyond 2030. 

The organisers of Living 2024 call on countries and decision-makers to refocus, recommit, and ensure that communities lead. AIDS isn’t over, our lives and dignity are still under threat, and stigma, discrimination and criminalisation still prevent us from fully benefiting from the remarkable progress of HIV science.  As we prepare for this crucial convening, we invite other networks, communities, partners, and potential funders to join us in making this event successful and historic. In the coming weeks, we will share more details. For any inquiries please reach out to us on email: living2024@gnpplus.net